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College Friends

College Funding Solutions

Assisting Families for
Nearly Three Decades
Reduce Your Overall College Costs

Above all else colleges are a business and ultimately decide how much you pay.  Put yourself in a position to reduce your college costs by having our proven, hands-on experience behind you.

Boost Your College Admission Chances

Understanding how colleges actually select students is critical.  Gain the valuable insight and professional guidance necessary to significantly boost your college admission chances.

Make the Most of Our Know-How

Gain access to our highly-trained team of professionals that will serve as your family’s advocate throughout the college planning process.  Put nearly 3 decades of experience to work for you.

Ease the Tension of Preparing for College

Better manage one of the most exciting and stressful times of your life.  Our experienced counselors will help your family fully understand the process, devise a plan, and stay on track.

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Funding Your Education

It is a fact that a college education can be very expensive.  Even at lower-priced, state-supported colleges a four-year degree can still cost in excess of $100,000.  College tuition and fees continue to increase at an alarming rate.  These increases have made paying for college practically impossible.


In a recent survey conducted by the American Council on Education, it was found that financing their children’s college education is one of the top concerns facing American parents today.  Although parents generally have good intentions, there are many unforeseen circumstances along the way that prevent them from saving a sufficient amount of money to pay for their children’s college education.


With today’s economy and the inflation we have experienced over the past twenty years, this problem is far more evident now than it ever has been in the past.  It most often takes two incomes just to meet the family’s budget.  Unfortunately, after paying the family’s monthly expenses, there is usually not much left over for the student’s college education.


Fortunately, you do have options!

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